10 Simple Ways to Improve Your English

I’ve just thought up of some simple ways for anyone who is interested in improving their English. I myself am trying to improve in this language each day. There’s always so much to learn and it can be really fun! You just need to have the passion and enthusiasm to better yourself.
This is what most people would advise: read. Read anything and everything in English. You can read story books, newspapers, magazines, blogs, comics, English textbooks, instructions and ingredients on food packages, advertisements, etc. For story books, don’t force yourself to read something too difficult or something you know you won’t enjoy. Make reading fun! Read books that you ENJOY reading. I hate to read books that bore me too.
Watch English movies with subtitles. This would be my favourite way of learning English. Not only do I get to have a fun time watching the movie, I’d be learning new words at the same time and knowing how to pronounce them! Usually, you can get movies with English subtitles on DVDs.

Listen to English songs. Read the lyrics as you listen to the songs. Listen to your favourite songs and sing along to them.
Start a blog in English. This is one way for you to practice your writing. Blog on something that you love. If you are a fan of movies, start a blog and write about your favourite movies, your favourite characters, what you think could be improved in the movie, what new movies to expect next year, etc. Besides blogging, try joining online forums, engage in online chatting and more.
If you don’t want to maintain a blog, why not write to a pen pal? It’d be even more fun to have a pen pal from a different country! I used to write to other people from the US, Germany, Mexico, and even Yugoslavia. I remember feeling excited when I see letters with foreign stamps on it in my mailbox. If you don’t want to spend too much money on stamps, then get a local pen pal.
Write in your diary/journal in English. This is where you can write anything in it. But if you do write something you wouldn’t want others to read, make sure you hide it somewhere safe! Or try not to write anything offensive at all in case someone does find it. You can also write about neutral stuff like the places you went that day, what you ate, who you met, what you did, etc.
Be best friends with a good English dictionary. You can use Oxford, Collins, Cambridge, etc. Buy a dictionary that you’re comfortable with and USE it at all times. Keep it next to you when you’re reading. I always put my favourite Oxford dictionary by my side when I’m reading. So when I stumble upon a word I don’t know, I don’t have to get up and look around for it. It’s right there by my side. Thus, I have no excuse for not looking the word up!
Speak the language whenever you can. Speak it with friends and family. You can also sing along to English songs! Try karaoke! Don’t be shy to try speaking the language. Don’t be afraid that others will tease you. In fact, they’ll admire you for your courage and confidence.
Learn a new word a day. Keep your own vocabulary notebook and write a new word and its meaning in it every day. Refer to it as often as possible so that the new words will stick in your head.

You can also learn new phrases, idioms or proverbs a day. A kick in the teeth, sit on the fence, make a clean sweep, a bird in the hand is worth two in the bush, a man’s home is his castle, etc. When you come across a saying that you like, write it down and its meaning in your notebook! Actually, there are many more ways for you to improve your English. If you have extra money to spend, you can even sign up for English courses, English camps and so on. But why throw away your money when you can learn the language in cheaper ways?Learn at your own pace. There’s no need to hurry when learning something especially a language. Make learning English fun. Don’t give up too soon or get discouraged. Don’t get stressed out when it becomes a little difficult. If you have your own wacky or unique way of learning the language, please share it with me and the other readers. The more, the merrier! Before I go, I’d like to wish you all the best in learning English!

I’ve just thought up of some simple ways for anyone who is interested in improving their English. I myself am trying to improve in this language each day. There’s always so much to learn and it can be really fun! You just need to have the passion and enthusiasm to better yourself.

1. This is what most people would advise: read. Read anything and everything in English. You can read story books, newspapers, magazines, blogs, comics, English textbooks, instructions and ingredients on food packages, advertisements, etc. For story books, don’t force yourself to read something too difficult or something you know you won’t enjoy. Make reading fun! Read books that you ENJOY reading. I hate to read books that bore me too.

2. Watch English movies with subtitles. This would be my favourite way of learning English. Not only do I get to have a fun time watching the movie, I’d be learning new words at the same time and knowing how to pronounce them! Usually, you can get movies with English subtitles on DVDs.

3. Listen to English songs. Read the lyrics as you listen to the songs. Listen to your favourite songs and sing along to them.

4. Start a blog in English. This is one way for you to practice your writing. Blog on something that you love. If you are a fan of movies, start a blog and write about your favourite movies, your favourite characters, what you think could be improved in the movie, what new movies to expect next year, etc. Besides blogging, try joining online forums, engage in online chatting and more.

5. If you don’t want to maintain a blog, why not write to a pen pal? It’d be even more fun to have a pen pal from a different country! I used to write to other people from the US, Germany, Mexico, and even Yugoslavia. I remember feeling excited when I see letters with foreign stamps on it in my mailbox. If you don’t want to spend too much money on stamps, then get a local pen pal.

6. Write in your diary/journal in English. This is where you can write anything in it. But if you do write something you wouldn’t want others to read, make sure you hide it somewhere safe! Or try not to write anything offensive at all in case someone does find it. You can also write about neutral stuff like the places you went that day, what you ate, who you met, what you did, etc.

7. Be best friends with a good English dictionary. You can use Oxford, Collins, Cambridge, etc. Buy a dictionary that you’re comfortable with and USE it at all times. Keep it next to you when you’re reading. I always put my favourite Oxford dictionary by my side when I’m reading. So when I stumble upon a word I don’t know, I don’t have to get up and look around for it. It’s right there by my side. Thus, I have no excuse for not looking the word up!

8. Speak the language whenever you can. Speak it with friends and family. You can also sing along to English songs! Try karaoke! Don’t be shy to try speaking the language. Don’t be afraid that others will tease you. In fact, they’ll admire you for your courage and confidence.

9. Learn a new word a day. Keep your own vocabulary notebook and write a new word and its meaning in it every day. Refer to it as often as possible so that the new words will stick in your head.

10. You can also learn new phrases, idioms or proverbs a day. A kick in the teeth, sit on the fence, make a clean sweep, a bird in the hand is worth two in the bush, a man’s home is his castle, etc. When you come across a saying that you like, write it down and its meaning in your notebook!

Actually, there are many more ways for you to improve your English. If you have extra money to spend, you can even sign up for English courses, English camps and so on. But why throw away your money when you can learn the language in cheaper ways?Learn at your own pace. There’s no need to hurry when learning something especially a language. Make learning English fun.

Don’t give up too soon or get discouraged. Don’t get stressed out when it becomes a little difficult.

If you have your own wacky or unique way of learning the language, please share it with me and the other readers. The more, the merrier! Before I go, I’d like to wish you all the best in learning English!

10 Pesanan Berguna untuk Kehidupan

1. Senyum itu tanda kemesraan, diberi kepada manusia dianggap sedekah. Ketawa itu lambang kelalaian. Selalu dilakukan hati akan mati. Dibuat di hadapan manusia menghilangkan maruahdiri.

2. Setiap kesalahan yang dilakukan jadikanlah pengajaran, insaflah ini tanda kelemahan diri, kesalilah keterlanjuran itu dan berazamlah tidak mengulanginya lagi.

3. Syukur nikmat dan sabar di dalam ujian amat mudah diucapkan tetapi amat sulit dilaksanakan.

4. Kesenangan dan kemewahan selalunya membawa kepada kesombongan dan kelalaian. Kesusahan dan penderitaan itu, selalunya membawa kekecewaan dan putus asa, kecuali orang yang mukmin.

5. Di antara tanda-tanda orang-orang yang sombong itu cepat melahirkan sifat marah, suka memotong percakapan orang, suka bermujadalah yakni bertegang leher, nampak di mukanya rasa tidak senang jika ada orang yang lebih darinya di satu majlis, bercakap meninggikan suara, pantang ditegur, tidak ada tanda-tanda kesal di atas kesalahan.

6. Orang yang sudah hilang sifat marah - dayus, cepat melahirkan sifat marah - lemah mujahadah. Orang yang ada sifat marah tapi dapat disembunyikan kecuali di tempat-tempat yang munasabah inilah manusia normal.

7. Tahu diri kita hamba itu adalah ilmu, merasa diri kita itu hamba itu penghayatan, yang kedua inilah akan lahir sifat tawaduk, malu, khusyuk, takut, hina dan lain-lain lagi sifat kehambaan.
8. Jika kita mengingati dosa, kita tidak nampak lagi kebaikan kita, apatah lagi untuk dibanggakan.

9. Lahirkan kemesraan kita sesama manusia kerana itu adalah haknya tapi jangan putus hati kita dengan Allah, ini adalah hakNya pula.

10. Apabila rasa senang dengan pujian, rasa sakit dengan kehinaan menunjukkan kita ada kepentingan peribadi, tanda kita tidak ikhlas membuat kebaikan.

Creating a Study Plan

As the exam nears, you will need to create a plan to help you study effectively and minimize stress. The first step is to figure out how much time and effort you must dedicate to studying for the exam by asking the following questions:

1. How much material do you need to cover?
2. How difficult is the material?
3. How much time is available?
4. Do you have any other priorities during the study period?
5. What is the format of the exam?
6. How important is the exam?
7. What is your performance target for the exam?

To prepare the study plan, map out all of the material that has to be covered and make a schedule showing what, when and how much you will study each day. If you have kept up with the course work, studying will involve revision of the material that you have already covered. If you are behind in the course, you will have to finish the readings and other uncompleted work before starting the revision (if there isn't enough time to go over everything, you must decide what is most important for the exam).

Here are some tips to follow in creating your study plan:

1. budget your time realistically;
2. allocate the study time into several manageable study sessions;
3. divide the course material into small segments and assign them to the study sessions;
4. set clear and specific goals for the study sessions;
5. prioritize to ensure that material weighted more heavily in the exam gets sufficient study time;
6. take into account your familiarity with the material and the difficulty level;
7. don't make the study sessions too long;
8. study sessions should have enough variety in terms of topics and activities to prevent boredom and loss of effectiveness;
9. avoid cramming before the exam; and don't forget to include regular breaks.

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